June birth stone : Pearl
It's june, IT'S JUNE!! Counting down 25 days until my flight to the great land of USA!! :D I am soooo unprepared that I am already freaking out omg! But I must be calm and collected, and get things done before I leave for my trip. So this month I'm going to take it reaaaaal easy in terms of Etsy store management. :)
These are the goals for May!
1. 175 sales.
2. 720 shop hearts.
3. 160 items.
In which I achieved...
1. 179 sales! Woohoo!!
2. 661 shop hearts, sobs.
3. 146 items. (lol)
It's ok, considering that I am cycling out some older stuff and just waiting for them to expire, it's alright to have a little lesser items. Although, it seems like I am forever stuck in the mid 100s and could never reach 200... Anyways! Here are my goals for June!
1. 185 sales.
2. 720 shop hearts.
3. 150 items.
Yes, being extremely humble. I am itching to make new things, trust me, but I just do not have the time amongst my preparation for the US trip! But I guess the itch can only be cured when I get back. :D So until then I'm going to take it real easy~ But I do have a giveaway planned for this month, watch out for that. ;D