About time I introduce myself. :)
I hail from a faraway and exotic country in the Southwest Asian region call Malaysia. (the big piece of land above the tiny island that is Singapore) The best thing about Malaysia is the FOOD! Everything else sucks, lol. It is always summer here, for better or worse, and I had never seen or touch snow for real. I am 26 years of age, born into a chinese family, and I know 4 languages in total - English, Malay language, Mandarin and Cantonese.

- a Multimedia Design graduate from The One Academy of Communication Design.
- a full time motion graphic artist.
- an atheist.
- a rescuer and owner of one emaciated medium long haired orange cat named Ginger. Currently on a mission to fatten her up.
- living in a 9x9 ft space room with no windows connected to the outside world. So it is dark inside even during the day. I have 3 work desks and a bed inside this small room.

- a hardcore World of Warcraft player.
- doing art commissions.
- following TV shows on TV.
- watching American Idol.

- Starbucks frappucinos! Especially chocolate cream chip with hazelnut syrup yum yum~!
- milk tea!
- chocolate or nutella covered anything!!
- authentic Japanese food.
- browsing through Etsy and discover new things.
- getting inspired.
- having lots of colors to play with.
- flat Coke.
- Rockstar games.
- multi-tasking. I always have some TV show on when I'm painting or making jewelry pieces.
- Reading inspirational blog articles online.

- traffic jams.
- Malaysian motorcycle drivers.
- art blocks.
- wasting time.
- procrastinating. And yet I do it all the time!
- Malaysian politics.

TV shows - Dexter, CSI, Criminal Minds.
Music bands - My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Maroon 5, Nickelback.
Musicians - Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, David Cook.
Games - All of the Silent Hill games, World of Warcraft, GTA IV.
Movies - Fight Club, Silent Hill, Zombieland.

- English is not my first language, and I am also the only english speaker in my family. I communicate in Cantonese at home.
- I prefer Mr Potato over Pringles. ;)
- I roleplay. (not the NSFW type!!)
- I have the utmost fascination and affinity to the sea, I just find that the sea is such a huge and mysterious place, so many things underwater that is still undiscovered and unknown. I love whales too. :)
- I used to read a lot of manga, (Japanese comic) but had since 'quitted' for a long time. Now I am only chasing "One Piece", one of my favorite series ever on pirates and adventure! I will only read other manga if it had reached the finale, and has not over 20 books.
- When playing games, I am usually the 'melee girl', preferring to go up close and personal to whack people with my steel pipe. However, I only play magic casting classes in World of Warcraft.
I started this blog originally to promote my own wares, and also because I love to write. :) However, over the course of a year it had evolved into something that promotes other crafty sellers rather than my own, and I love doing it! I love discovering new and magical things that everyone comes up with, and I strive to share them to my readers (you!) for inspiration.
I have two main series that I try to update weekly, (keyword is try) and they are the Weekly Word Picks and Around the World series. I may be adding more series in the future, but we shall see. :)
Aside from featuring other crafty things, I also blog about my life's happenings, interesting encounters while running this crafty biz, as well as sharing my own experiences. :)
Feel free to contact me if you are interested to be featured on this blog.
I am also the occasional contributor to the Etsy Malaysia blog.
Other places you can find me...
So nice to meet you! it looks like we have a lot of things in common (but not the music or musicians lol) i <3 Dexter (well the first a two seasons anyway :/) annnnnnnnd, i hate procrastinating as well but do it anyway. I'm happy to see i'm not the only one and now i don't feel so bad about it, haha.
I've been silently following for a while, now :D sorry it took so long to say something :D
Hello! :D
It's no worries, better later than never lol. I love the first 2 seasons of Dexter too! But season 4 isn't too bad either. Admittedly, it was the shocking plot twist towards the end that made it that much more awesome. (and sad)
i have to admit it, I was fine with Dexter up until.... how do i put this to avoid spoilers for others, maybe you don't have to publish this coment, but, i was disappointed with a particular scene that involved a lot of blood and in a bath tub. :( :( :( Maybe one day i'll get over that scene and pick up the season again, as my interest has been peaked. :D
I know which scene you're talking about, lol. u_u;; I have a friend who was disappointed too. I myself felt sad about it. There is a teaser for Season 5 on youtube with Lifehouse's "Storm", I practically cried from watching that teaser :'(
Hey Alex!
You won the Morning Calm giveaway on I ART U. Congrats! Send me your address at iartu.jennifer(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll pass it along to Hwasoon. Thanks!
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