The ones below are all from the same displayer, I must say that their displays totally outshone their products, you could barely notice the chains and necklaces displaying on them. But hey, at least they were show-stoppers! I'm sure some more creative peeps could run away with the ideas and improve them for craft fairs and such. :)

And last but not least, one that is completely unrelated to jewelry ahaha. But this is one of the best photos I took, not to mention the display is very interesting as well.

Branches. Looks like they staked a pole through a bamboo and then stuck branches on it.

Hollow log with nails pointing outward. This one is potentially dangerous!

Personally, this one is my favourite. A bonsai growing out of a bullet box!

This one is just part of a standee, although I think it is quite cool. Recycled hard disks.

The two above are quite unique as well, very interesting shapes.

I forgot what were the shops/companies for the displays, I shall find out later and then I will update this post with links. :D
Edit 1: The last display was from Oh & Ah! Stands for OrangHutan & ArangHitam (translation: Jungle men & Black coal lol) Check out their blog for more unique and cute stuff!
Can't wait till the weekend! I will be sure to take more photos this time as well.