Sunday, May 13, 2012

Final Day At My Day Job

Back in late February, I tendered in my resignation letter to my employer, and last Friday was officially my last day at my day job! Finally, it feels kind of surreal that that phase of my life is over (for good!) and now begins the part I am giddy for - running my little handmade biz full time.

The last few days had been hectic, but full of anticipation at the same time. I had to tie loose ends and sort out the remainder of the work to be distributed to other designers and settle whatever that is needed to be settled at work. I had also been on a food hunt spree because after this I would be domesticated to endless homecook food haha.

How does it feel to be rid of my day job? Awesome. :) It's such a liberating feeling, knowing that I don't need to reach the office at 9.30am anymore, I don't need to deal with know-it-all clients, I don't need to do repetitive design work that I hate, I don't need to follow the company's illogical policies and go through many stages just to apply for a day off. Aaand I don't just have 4-5 hours per day to work on my handmade biz after work.

Of course, there are worries as well when one loses a steady income. But we'll just take a step at a time, and face the challenges as they come. I just need to work harder now!

Finally, something fun and nostalgic! This is how my desk looks like at my day job. :D

Notice my snack corner? Hahaha. And those are my faithful Skullcandy headphones, I've had them for at least 3 years and they still work like they are brand new.

And now, after I cleared everything.

Looks so barren now haha.


Lilly's Papillon said... 1

Good luck with everything! Wish all the best and hope that it goes well! :)

Olga Wassupbrothers said... 2

What a great decision. Wishing you all the best! )

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