Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!

2012 greeting card - laurageorge

To anyone that is reading this, happy new year!! May 2012 be a brand new year with lots of personal growth and abundant joy and inspirations. Indeed, there are a lot of amazing adventures ahead!

I don't have the habit of having new year resolutions, but I can see how that can be motivational in the long run. So here are my resolutions!
  • Start a second shop on Etsy. Probably selling prints or other type of paper-related home decor wares. Who knows, I might even start a supplies destashing shop!
  • Reach 600 sales in Skyejuice by the end of 2012!
  • Work hard, but also remember to play harder! My Xbox is feeling lonely.
  • Draw more! Current goal - one artwork per month! I might even start a tumblr account to post random sketches and photographs.
  • Update this blog more promptly! (trying, really I'm trying!)
  • Lose weight.
And maybe, just maybe, I can quit my day job this year! But that remains to be seen.

So what resolutions had you set this year? Whether for yourself or for your blooming online biz? Do you have success somewhere listed down in your new year resolutions?


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