Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekly Word Picks - Fragile

I'm terribly sorry for the inactivity for the entire week last week. My modem had been acting really wonky lately and internet connection had been on and off for a while. (mostly off though) and it had been disrupting my blogging schedule. :( But never fear! This week I will be more prepared!

Today is Monday, and it is the day for Weekly Word Picks. This week's word was picked by Sadiie, and her word is...


Such a beautiful word, but it only turned up with 16 pages of result! It was tricky, but I persevered!

For the complete Treasury, please follow this link : Fragile

So what should next week's word be? Suggest by posting in the comments below!

This week's word was chosen by Sadiie.


Ah Yng said...

Beautiful color teal! It was the main color for one of my last semester's project. :)

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