Friday, October 7, 2011

How Steve Jobs Affected the Handcraft Industry

I'm sure everyone had heard of Steve Job's passing two nights ago. It was a sad sad day, and a great loss to many. His work and his words inspired many, and affected a lot of people's lives. Without him, there will be no Apple, without Apple, there will be no Macbooks, iPods and iPhones. And certainly if there weren't Macbooks, iPods and iPhones, these handmade artisans wouldn't exist...

iPad2 moleskin style case and MacBook Air Moleskin Case by PadandQuill

1940's Mint and Cherry Vintage Book Dock Charger and The Vampire - Dracula Book Charging Dock by inbook

Brown and blue vintage wool plaid iPod/iPhone case and Grey herringbone iPad Case by mariforssell

iPhone wallet case Leicester and 13 inch Macbook Pro Sleeve Hampshireby packandsmooch

iRetrofone Classic Deluxe - Gold and iRetrofone Steampunk by freelandstudios

So much class and style! Steve Jobs not only changed the technology industry, but he affected the handcraft industry as well. We may had lost a legend, but his work and legacy will live on. You will always be remembered as a legend, rest in peace Steve.


Amanda said... 1

Such sad news. To think of the things we may have seen from him if he was only given more time...but the legacy he left has certainly helped shape the handmade movement.

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